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Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Kisah Ngeri Penyiksaan Pemerintah Syria Terhadap Rakyatnya

Gambar Presiden Assad di salah satu sudut jalan di Suriah (Reuters)
Damaskus - Pemerintah Suriah yang dipimpin Presiden Bashar al-Assad dituding secara sistematis membunuh dan menyiksa tahanan di negara tersebut. Dilaporkan ada sekitar 11 ribu orang yang menjadi korban penyiksaan dan pembunuhan tersebut.

Laporan terbaru yang dirilis pada Selasa (21/1) ini didasarkan pada bukti-bukti yang diberikan seorang pembelot Suriah dan dianalisis oleh tiga mantan jaksa internasional ternama. Dalam laporan telah dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap ribuan foto yang diselundupkan keluar oleh seorang mantan fotografer polisi militer Suriah.

Foto-foto mengerikan tersebut menunjukkan bukti secara jelas soal adanya kelaparan, penganiayaan terutama pencekikan dan pemukulan terhadap tahanan Suriah. Terlihat juga adanya mayat-mayat berperawakan kurus dengan banyak luka di tubuhnya.

Laporan tersebut disusun oleh Desmond de Silva yang merupakan mantan ketua jaksa di pengadilan khusus untuk Sierra Leone. Juga oleh Geoffrey Nice yang merupakan mantan jaksa dalam persidangan mantan Presiden Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic, dan juga oleh David Crane yang mendakwa Presiden Liberia Charles Taylor.

"Foto-foto ini menunjukkan bahwa selama bertahun-tahun telah terjadi pembunuhan sistematis para tahanan dengan adanya kelaparan, penyiksaan, pencungkilan mata, penganiayaan secara keji, mutilasi," tutur Desmond de Silva seperti dilansir Aljazeera, Rabu (22/1/2014).

Laporan ini, menurut David Crane, harus dijadikan bukti kuat untuk melanjutkan segala bentuk pelanggaran pidana ke pengadilan. "Sekarang kita memiliki bukti mengenai apa yang terjadi terhadap orang-orang yang menghilang," ucapnya.

"Ini merupakan bukti pertama yang bisa menunjukkan secara jelas mengenai apa yang terjadi terhadap sedikitnya 11 ribu orang yang disiksa dan dieksekusi, dan tampaknya dibuang," imbuh Crane.

Sang pembelot yang menyebut dirinya sebagai 'Caesar' menyerahkan sekitar 55 ribu foto dari 11 ribu tahanan yang tewas sejak kerusuhan pertama kali terjadi di Suriah pada Maret 2011 lalu. Nyaris semua korban tewas berjenis kelamin laki-laki, kecuali satu korban. Sebagian besar korban berusia antara 20-40 tahun.

Menurut Caesar, para korban telah tewas di dalam tahanan sebelum akhirnya dibawa ke rumah sakit militer untuk difoto. Caesar menuturkan, setiap harinya ada sekitar 50 jasad yang harus difoto olehnya di rumah sakit.

Caesar menambahkan, foto-foto tersebut awalnya bertujuan untuk pembuatan sertifikat kematian, yang sebagian besar akan dipalsukan dengan menyebut bahwa korban tewas di rumah sakit. Kemudian juga untuk menjadi bukti bahwa eksekusi pemerintah telah dilakukan. Mayat-mayat tersebut kemudian akan dimakamkan di wilayah pinggiran Suriah.

Bukti yang diberikan Caesar tersebut telah diperiksa oleh ahli forensik yang ditunjuk oleh kantor hukum di London yang mewakili Qatar, yang bertanggung jawab atas laporan tersebut. Laporan ini dirilis hanya sehari sebelum perudingan mengenai Suriah digelar di Swiss. Laporan tersebut akan diserahkan kepada PBB dan organisasi HAM yang ada.

Pemerintah Suriah sendiri telah membantah melakukan penganiayaan terhadap tahanan.

Starved, tortured then throttled: The true horror of how Assad’s soldiers execute rebel prisoners is revealed in new images
  • A second cache of photos of victims of torture has been released
  • Taken by man tasked with 'recording deaths in custody' by Syrian regime
  • Total of 55,000 photos which lawyers say are evidence of extreme torture
  • Could be used to bring charges of war crimes against Bashar al-Assad

PUBLISHED: 16:18 GMT, 23 January 2014 | UPDATED: 07:58 GMT, 24 January 2014

More photographs showing the maimed bodies of alleged victims of ‘systematic killings’ in Syrian prisons have been released today.
The second cache of photos paints an even clearer image of the horrendous conditions and gruesome torture in government-run jails in Syria.
The images, some of the 55,000 leaked by a witness ‘tasked with recording deaths in custody’, were taken between 2011 and 2013.

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Shocking: A second set of pictures from the 55,000 photograph dossier showing alleged victims of torture and systematic killings in government-run prisons in Syria has been released

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Murder: The corpses are said to all be members of rebel forces who have been kept in Syrian jail by al-Assad's military police

The second release echoes warnings from human right's experts earlier this week that the first set of images only showed the tip of the iceberg.
The pictures were smuggled out of Syria by a military police photographer, who has been saving the files over two years, and handed to the opposition.

When the first photographs were released earlier this week, they were described as 'clear evidence' of crimes against humanity by a team of war crimes prosecutors.
They show emaciated corpses with strangulation marks, cuts, bruising and signs of electrocution – evidence of extreme torture, claim investigators. Some victims are shown to have had their eyes removed.
The photographer served as a military police officer for 13 years, and was assigned the duty of documenting the dead bodies brought to the military hospitals controlled by the Syrian regime during the civil war.

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The person who leaked the photographs says he was a part of the Syrian military police for 13 years and it was his job to photograph dead bodies brought to military hospitals from government jails

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Proof of war crimes: The photos were all taken during the Syrian civil war, between 2011 and 2013, and smuggled out of the country

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Stomach turning: The bodies are all lined up, side by side, before their injuries are documented, allegedly by Syrian government forces

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True evil: This horrific photo shows a man who shirt is covered in blood, with a rusty chain embedded into his stomach

The bodies depicted in the photographs are all said to be members of rebel groups killed in detention under torture and starvation.
They show handwritten notes by on the faces and the bodies of the corpses, and allegedly used by the Syrian army as the records of death sentence enforcements, carried out systematically in government-run prisons.
On Tuesday Foreign Secretary William Hague, as well as the U.S. government, condemned the crimes shown in the photographs, and demanded that the perpetrators be brought to justice.
Mr Hague described the images as 'compelling and horrific', and said: 'It is important those who have perpetrated these crimes are one day held to account.'
A spokesman from the U.S. State Department said: 'These reports suggest widespread and apparently systematic violations by the regime. These most recent images ... are extremely disturbing. They're horrible to look at.'
The initial 31-page report was commissioned by Carter-Ruck solicitors in London on behalf of the Qatari government, which supports the Syrian uprising.
It was released as peace talks began in Switzerland on Wednesday to try to end the three-year conflict.

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Mediating: U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sits beside U.N.-Arab League envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi as he addresses a news conference in Montreux on Wednesday

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Pro-government: Supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad outside the opening of the Geneva II peace talks, in Montreux, Switzerland yesterday

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The images released are said to show victims of 'systematic killings' in prisons run by President Bashar al-Assad, pictured earlier this week in Damascus

Sir Desmond de Silva, one of the Carter-Ruck lawyers who compiled a report on the credibility of the images, said that the evidence 'documented industrial-scale killing.' He pointed out that because the images purport to come from just one part of Syria, the human rights abuses could be much more widespread.
‘This is a smoking gun of a kind we didn’t have before. It makes a very strong case indeed,’ he said.
‘It is the tip of the iceberg because this is 11,000 in just one area.'
About 130,000 people have been killed and a quarter of Syrians driven from their homes in the civil war, which began with peaceful protests against 40 years of Assad family rule and has descended into a sectarian conflict, with the opposing sides armed and funded by Sunni Arab states and Shi'ite Iran.
High-level mediating has yielded little so far, but Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN mediator who is meeting separately today with each Syrian delegation, said there are signs they might be willing to bend on humanitarian aid, ceasefires and prisoner exchanges.
Amid hostile exchanges at the peace talks in Switzerland, Syria’s government ridiculed demands by opposition leaders and their Western backers including Britain for Assad to stand down, saying it would never happen.
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The feet of the photographer and a colleague can be seen in this photograph next to the emaciated remains of a prisoner

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Evidence: One man with a white beard and grey hair has several open wounds on his arm and chest

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Purple bruising and lacerations cover the upper body of another male victim photographed by the military police in Syria

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